Everyone has to get older…

That doesn’t mean your face has to show your age.  BOTOX® Cosmetic targets those repeated muscle contractions that we use from frowning, squinting, smiling, and being surprised which can cause wrinkles. These wrinkles occur from a combination of repeated muscle contraction, reduction of collagen, or damage caused by the sun and the environment.

BOTOX® is FDA approved for the cosmetic treatments of lines and wrinkles.  After discussing your treatment goals and an assessment is complete, it takes about 10-15 minutes for the actual procedure to be completed.  Results are usually noticeable within 24-48 hours, but full outcomes can be seen around 2 weeks post-treatment, lasting on average 4 months.

People will notice a younger, vibrant look on you while you maintain your natural look.  It will be your biggest kept secret! Value the skin you’re in.

Before & After Photos

Moderate to Severe Forehead Lines
Moderate to Severe Frown Lines

Everyone has to get older…

Dysport softens and smooths frown lines by blocking the signal from the nerve to the muscles, temporarily helping to prevent contraction of the muscles that cause frown lines.

Before & After Photos